No wonder new authors obsess over building
their platforms. For most types of nonfiction, a platform before publication is
a must. It establishes both your
authority and your pull. The importance of a platform for a prepublished fiction author is up for discussion,
however. Regardless, keep in mind two
- Don’t sweat it. Rarely do debut authors have a truly robust online presence unless they are celebrities. Between someone with an amazing platform and mediocre writing and someone with amazing writing and no platform, guess who I’m going to pick? (This is not a theoretical conjecture.)
- Don’t ignore it. Platform-building normally takes a long, long time and involves a considerable learning curve. Putting in the legwork from the beginning helps.
- Start a blog.
- Create an author page on Facebook.
- Head to Twitter.
These may be steps in the right
direction, but more often than not, they’re not. Here’s why.

Blog with an end-goal in mind. Think about a service
you want to provide, a niche that needs filling. Think about the persona you
want to portray – Whimsical? Brooding? Twisted? High-minded? Let your blog be a
natural extension of your brand – and make part of the draw to buying your work
be, well, you.
One powerful way to jumpstart your
platform is to piggyback on what others are doing. Many blogs are hungry for
content providers – and already have hard-won established readerships. Maybe
you can sign up as a reviewer for a book blog, or a commentator for a mom blog,
etc. Or you and your fellow writers can join forces and start a blog where you
share content responsibilities. Leverage the pre-existing resources – if the
connection makes sense.
You know how Facebook works: the
people you interact with most often and the posts that get the most comments
are the ones that show up highest on your feed. If you’re not posting
regularly, and people aren’t commenting back, your author page will soon fade
into near-oblivion. And frequent posting when you have no real news can get
obnoxious, fast.
You might be better off skipping an
author page until you have traction and people who actively want to hear your
writing news. Or perhaps help start a group Facebook page where a ring of
genre-specific authors share their news. Your collective pull and content will
help you all gain more exposure. Or you don’t worry about Facebook– just keep a
nice personal account where you can share your squee-worthy news and forget the
Most Facebook posts have a lifespan
of hours; a few potent ones a lifespan of days. Most incredibly shared posts
are passed around mindless of the originator. If you’re on Facebook and you
enjoy it, by all means, continue – but don’t feel any need to make it one of
the cornerstones of your marketing plan just yet.
There is nothing wrong with
Twitter, and a lot right with it. If you choose to be on there (and yes, participation
all these social media outlets are choices – you don’t HAVE to do all of them), just use it in a way that makes sense. Share
cool and useful ideas; don’t make yourself a self-promotion hound. Reach out to
people who seem like they’d belong in your “tribe;” don’t just mindlessly try
to get the biggest follow-ship you can. Remember, the average tweet’s lifespan
is much, much shorter than even a Facebook posts’. A select group of people who
care about what you tweet and reply, favorite, and retweet often is much better
than an indifferent cast of thousands.
In Short

By all
means, don’t limit yourself to the social media networks mentioned above –
think videos, web comics, memes, speech engagements, online or offline classes,
etc. Slowing down during the planning stage will save you a lot of time and
effort at the back end. And remember rule #1: don’t sweat it. A journey of a
thousand miles begins with a single step.
Happy platform-building!