For anyone who knows me, it’s no secret that
I’m a fan of fast drafting. (For those who don't, just check out Kelly's compilation of published and upcoming books!) When an idea hits me, I sit down and type every
chance I get until the book is drafted. And there’s actually a secret to fast drafting.
Want to know it? Fast drafting is addictive.
The more I write, the more I want to write. The
ideas just keep coming, sometimes faster than I can type, and I’m a fast typer.
People say you have to enforce the “butt in chair” method to write, but I want
to add to that. You need to get your butt in that chair as often as possible.
You know how new ideas get you all excited and eager to draft? Well, when ideas
spur from other ideas and the words start pouring onto the screen, it’s even
better. I keep notebooks all over (by my bed, by my computer, in the living
room) because whenever I have a snippet of dialogue or an idea come to me, I
write it down. It makes me eager to get back to my laptop and keep drafting
because I have material ready to type.
But drafting isn’t the answer to having a
publishable book. It’s only the start. And as much as we covet that beautiful
word count we worked so hard to achieve, we have to be willing to hit the
delete key and rewrite. Time will allow you to do this. Put that draft away and
come back to it after you work on something else. Yes, write another book in
the meantime! The more you write, the more you’ll have to get published in the
future. Then when you go back to your previous draft, you’ll be able to look at
it objectively and see what needs to be done to make it the best manuscript
So here are those steps again:
- Commit to getting those words down on paper (or screen)
- Keep writing until the book is drafted
- Put the draft away for a while
- Draft a new book
- Go back and revise book one with an objective eye
Now go see how many publishable words you can
write today.

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